Comprehensive inspections for Cameron Station are underway. Management would like to help by alerting residents to several common issues frequently found that may trigger violation notices. Click here for a list of these common issues. Please see the streets to be inspected and upcoming inspection dates, below:
Streets: Dates:
California Lane & English Terrace August 12 - 16, 2024
Gentle Yoga (Complimentary) - Thursdays 9:00 - 10:00 am - Victoria Hebert Great Room
Gentle yoga classes are typically described as appropriate for those who want a softer, nurturing, slow-paced, well-supported and relaxing practice. The approach includes carefully orchestrated movements, controlled pressure, and well-measured stretches, including range of motion exercises. Postures may be approached in gradual steps, with plenty of time to focus on breathing and repetition so that the practice is simple to do and easy to remember. A gentle yoga style encourages a highly individualized approach to practice with on-going encouragement to make moment-to-moment adjustments.
Boot Camp (Complimentary) - Tuesdays and Thursdays 6:30-7:30pm - Multi-Purpose Court