
Did you know that we are almost 75 days into 2024? I only know because I kicked off the new year by starting the 75Hard Challenge on January 1. Now, with just three days left, and 12 pounds lighter, it's time to reflect on the highs, lows, and unexpected lessons of this challenge aimed to “build mental strength and discipline,” according to founder Andy Frisella.Green Grey Modern Clean Healthy Habits Check list Facebook PostThe 75Hard Challenge only has six rules. Sound easy? Think again!

While the rules may be straightforward, tackling the challenge is quite demanding. The real kicker comes with the final rule: miss a day, and you're back to square one. This stipulation adds a layer of commitment that makes it challenging to throw in the towel once you've taken the plunge. 

Yes, the 75Hard Challenge can be pretty intense, but I discovered it doesn’t have to be. My approach to this challenge was to establish a routine of making healthy choices and prioritizing what's best for my mind and body, taking it one day at a time. It's not that it wasn’t challenging; I simply opted not to push myself into hardcore workouts and extreme dieting, choices that would have certainly led me to quit. 

For instance, my daily outdoor workout was a 45-min walk around the Cameron Station neighborhood. As for my second workout, I would either jump on the Peloton for a 45-minute bike ride, engage in a floor workout at home, or take an additional walk with a neighbor.  Other options could be a visit to our community gym or taking one of the many classes offered at Cameron Club (you can find a full schedule for the latter HERE). 

On the dietary front, I've committed to a gluten-free lifestyle, with no cheat meals and no alcohol. It is a surprisingly easy diet to follow with so many options available at the grocery store and restaurants. Cameron Cafe, in particular, has some delicious gluten-free treats that pair perfectly with an afternoon coffee. 

Thanks to my trusty ½ gallon water bottle, drinking a gallon of water each day was easy. Sounds like a lot, but you get used to it. Pro tip: hydrate throughout the day, unless you're fond of midnight bathroom runs!

Daily reading has been a nice addition to my nightly routine. Atomic Habits by James Clear (love me some habit stacking!), I Will Teach You to Be Rich by Ramit Sethi (please do!), and Your Big Leap Year by Gay Hendricks (ULPs be damned!) were my books of choice, providing valuable insights. I layered on a few podcasts too (NPR’S Life Kit is a favorite) for added inspiration on my daily walks. 

Yoga InstructorThe Cameron Club offers fitness classes six days a week. Visit the website and click "Calendar" for information.The most significant challenge for me was handling two workouts a day with a minimum three-hour gap. Juggling my time amid work, life commitments, and unpredictable weather—especially walks in the rain or snow—proved to be demanding. However, through weekly and daily planning, I found a way to manage my time more effectively.

Would I recommend the 75 Hard Challenge? Absolutely! It's a powerful tool for self-discovery and forming habits, but be ready for both highs and lows. Seeing real results on the scale was a definite high point, even if trudging through slush and ice at 25 degrees outside was a bit of a chilly low. But, bottom line, what I've figured out is that I can achieve anything when I'm determined and focused. 

As I approach the finish line of the 75Hard Challenge, the question naturally arises: what's next? With spring and summer on the horizon and more travel planned in the coming months, I’ve decided to approach the next 75 days by doing the less intense, yet still challenging, 75Soft Challenge—a variant that offers a bit more flexibility. You can discover more about both challenges by clicking HERE

So, to anyone considering taking on a challenge, I say this: embrace the discomfort and relish the obstacles. Whether it's 75Hard or another personal challenge, know that every step forward is a victory. Here's to your journey and the strength you'll discover along the way. Cheers to the next 75 days!

Tricia Hemel, with husband Vince, chose Cameron Station as their home in 2018, settling in Carlton Place Condominiums. An LSU graduate, Tricia spent 15 years in NYC in the wholesale apparel industry, specializing in marketing and sales. She currently serves as the chairperson of the Communications Committee and is dedicated to enhancing community communication. You can often find Tricia walking the neighborhood or enjoying engaging conversations at Cameron Cafe. Born in New Orleans, she proudly supports LSU (Geaux Tigers!) and cheers for Real Madrid (Hala Madrid!).

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