
Cameron Station Community SignThe DMS helps us maintain and enhance Cameron Station's distinct ambiance. Make your voice heard by submitting ideas for DMS revisions to ARC by 5pm ET on May 17, 2024.The Cameron Station Architectural Review Committee (ARC) is seeking input from residents regarding proposed updates to the Design and Maintenance Standards (DMS). The last round of revisions took place in 2021.

The DMS is a set of regulations and standards that govern any additions, alterations, or improvements homeowners may make to their homes. The DMS is based on Cameron Station’s Declaration of Covenants, one of the founding documents governing Cameron Station.  Think of the Declaration as Cameron Station’s ‘constitution’ with the DMS as a set of laws based on that constitution.  Proposed external changes must be reviewed and approved by the ARC as described in the DMS. 

ARC welcomes suggestions for revisions to the DMS, which should adhere to the format outlined below. 

Section 1: What part of the DMS are you proposing to revise?

Section 2: What revision are you proposing? 
Specific wording changes are greatly appreciated! 

Section 3: What is your justification for proposing this change? 
Your justification narrative should address how the revised regulation will help create and maintain an enjoyable living environment for residents and enhance the value of our properties. The explanation for your proposed change is the most important portion of your submission as it serves as your ‘case’ to the committee.  

To download and complete a fillable form with these three sections, click HERE.

Submissions that do not include these three elements will not be considered. The ARC will only accept proposed DMS changes from current Cameron Station homeowners.  

All submissions must be sent to by 5:00pm Eastern on Friday, May 17, 2024. A public ARC meeting to discuss and vote on proposed changes will be scheduled sometime in late May or early June. 

Residents can access the current DMS by clicking HERE to visit

Your feedback is valuable in ensuring that our community continues to thrive.

Stephen Pearson is the chair of the Architectural Review Committee. He has served on the committee since 2019 and chaired the committee since 2020.  He has lived in Cameron Station since 2002.