
Mark your calendars: the annual Potomac Watershed Clean-up Day is just around the corner! On Saturday, April 20, 2024, from 9am to 1pm, you’re invited to join your Cameron Station neighbors for a clean-up event in honor of Earth Day. 

Watershed Clean up 2023 3Volunteers at the WMCCAI Watershed Clean-up event in 2023 pick up waste in Ben Brenman Park.

Did you know that across the United States, millions of tons of litter are picked up each year? This litter not only mars the beauty of our surroundings but also poses serious threats to wildlife and local ecosystems. Every year, the Washington Metropolitan Chapter Community Associations Institute brings the local community together to collect and remove trash from our environment. Last year, over 50 dedicated volunteers showed up to make a difference in Cameron Station, and this year, our goal is to double that number to over 100 volunteers!

Why Participate?

Chances are, if you ask residents what they love most about Cameron Station, many will say the abundant parks that surround our community. That includes Ben Brenman Park, Linear Park Trail, Armistead Boothe, and Holmes Run Watershed. These green spaces are where we picnic, walk, and bike ride, where we connect with family and friends and play with pets, and where we can go for solitude and to enjoy the beauty of nature. Amid the hustle and bustle of urban living, having access to nature just outside our doorstep is a true blessing. 

Now imagine what our community would look like without these spaces… what a different place our neighborhood would be! Events like the Potomac Watershed Clean-up Day are an opportunity for us to show gratitude and give back to the health
and sustainability of our local environment. 

Watershed Clean up 2023 2In 2023, 50 volunteers participated in the event. This year's goal is to double that number to 100 volunteers!

Last Year's Success

You don’t need to look further than one year ago to see the real impact we can make right here in our own backyard. With the support of 50 volunteers, we were able to remove approximately 750 lbs. of trash and 375 lbs. of recyclables from our parks and watershed areas during last year’s clean-up event. From water bottles to soda cans, cigarette butts to bottle caps, and even unusual items like tires and car parts, our volunteers worked tirelessly to make our community cleaner and safer for all.

Make a Difference – RSVP Today!

When welcome together as a community, we can achieve incredible things. I hope you’ll join us on April 20 for the Potomac Watershed Clean-up Day. It is an opportunity to make a tangible difference in our environment and strengthen connections to our community. 

If you're ready to roll up your sleeves and make a positive impact, please RSVP with your name and contact information to Let's work together to double our efforts this year and make our community cleaner, greener, and more vibrant than ever before.