
The Cameron Station Civic Association held its virtual membership meeting on February 5, 2025. Our guest speakers were Tarrick McGuire, Alexandria Police Chief, and Philip Jubert, Alexandria Urban Forest Manager.  

Police Chief McGuire noted that his main objectives are developing relationships and trust with the community and combating crime. He believes in “evidence-based policing” which focuses on what is proven to work. He wants the Alexandria Police Department (APD) to be one of the nation’s leading police departments. Chief McGuire would like to hear from the public on what the APD is doing well, where it needs to improve, what it needs to stop doing, and what the public can do to assist the APD.

Chief McGuire is currently involved in a formal assessment of the APD as part of his “100 Day Action Plan.” The biggest crime concern facing Alexandria is larceny at large commercial retailers. The Chief noted that immigration enforcement is not a police function and that the only time they ask an individual about their citizenship is if they are arrested. Chief McGuire wants to issue a Public Safety Plan in April or May 2025. For more information, go to:

Mr. Jubert stated that he is in the process of updating the City of Alexandria’s Urban Forestry Master Plan. He noted that there are about 33,000 trees in the City. They currently plant roughly 400 trees per year, and he wants that number to get to 1,000. Mr. Jubert stated that the City does not have a “strategic planting plan” and that the City does not have an approved tree list, but does prefer the planting of native trees. Mr. Jubert said that one should call the City “alex311” line on any request for service on City trees (such as planting of trees along the linear park in Cameron Station), but noted that there is a 3 month backlog on service requests. For more information, go to:

Cameron Station residents and business owners (ages 18 or older) are automatically non-voting Cameron Station Civic Association members. We invite such individuals to become voting members since they receive more detailed updates on matters affecting Cameron Station and are eligible to become officers or directors. We urge you to become actively engaged with us in influencing City decision makers and others to ensure that our community has a prominent voice in preserving our standard of living and property values. To become a voting member of the Civic Association, you must fill out our membership form. You can pay the $20 per person annual membership fee by cash or a check (made payable to the Cameron Station Civic Association) or pay via Zelle (to If paying by cash or check, send the payment with your membership form to: Cameron Station Civic Association 200 Cameron Station Blvd, Alexandria, VA 22304. If using Zelle, send the membership form to which can also be used to contact us.