
Happy first day of spring! It's time to shake off the winter blues and rejuvenate our homes. Welcome this season of renewal with a thorough spring cleaning and decluttering session preparing for brighter spring days ahead! Here are six tips to guide you through the process, all designed to help you prepare for the upcoming Cameron Station Yard Sale on April 20 (rain date: April 27).

1. Declutter: The Three-Box MethodHello Spring

Kickstart your decluttering journey with the Three-Box Method. Label three boxes: "KEEP" for items still cherished but needing a proper place, "YARD SALE" for items to sell or give away at the upcoming Cameron Station Yard Sale, and "TRASH" for items beyond use. Tackle every nook and cranny, making quick decisions to avoid second-guessing. Once your space is decluttered, it is now ready for a deep clean. 

2. Clean the Cleaners: Refresh Your Cleaning Tools

Prioritize your cleaning tools with a cleaning session. Run a cycle in your washing machine using vinegar and baking soda, and de-fuzz the lint trap in your dryer for optimal efficiency. Rinse and sanitize mops and brooms, ensuring they are ready for the next round of cleaning. Ensure your vacuum is at its best by cleaning or replacing filters. Don't forget to give your trash cans a thorough cleaning to banish lingering odors. Your tools are now ready to get dirty again!

3. A Deep Dive into Deep Cleaning6 Tips for Spring Cleaning

Elevate your spring-cleaning routine with a deep dive into neglected areas. Scrub down your oven, disinfect and get rid of expired food in the fridge, and wipe down walls and cabinets to eliminate dust and grime. Dust off window blinds and ceiling fans to ensure they're ready for warmer days. Consider a comprehensive steam cleaning for carpets and upholstery to make your home feel and smell fresh.

4. Revitalize Your Living Spaces

Consider rearranging furniture and decor to breathe new life into your rooms. Swap out heavy winter throws for lighter options. Introduce potted plants or fresh flowers to bring the outdoors inside. Wipe down outdoor furniture, add vibrant flowers, and create an inviting space to broaden this revitalization to your outdoor areas and enjoy the spring weather.

5. Declutter Your Digital SpaceSpring Cleaning

Take your spring-cleaning efforts into the digital realm by organizing computer files, decluttering your email inbox, and removing unused apps. Unsubscribe from irrelevant promotional emails and declutter your digital accessories, such as charging cables and phone, camera and computer accessories, all of which can be hot items for the April 20 Yard Sale! 

6. Closet Cleanout

Transition your wardrobe for spring by assessing and organizing. Pack away winter clothes, ensuring they are clean and ready for storage. Weed out unworn items from the past year—sell those in good condition at the upcoming Yard Sale and donate any unsold pieces. Extend this process to your shoe collection and accessories, ensuring that every item in your wardrobe serves a purpose.

As you embark on your spring-cleaning journey to declutter and refresh your living space, mark your calendar for the Cameron Station Yard Sale on April 20 (rain date: April 27). Not only will you responsibly declutter, but you'll also contribute to the sense of community within Cameron Station. Stay tuned for another article detailing how the Cameron Station Yard Sale works, ensuring you're well-prepared for this exciting community event. So, roll up your sleeves, welcome the sunshine, and make the most of this opportunity to create a clutter-free and joyful home!

Tricia Hemel, with husband Vince, chose Cameron Station as their home in 2018, settling in Carlton Place Condominiums. An LSU graduate, Tricia spent 15 years in NYC in the wholesale apparel industry, specializing in marketing and sales. She currently serves as the chairperson of the Communications Committee and is dedicated to enhancing community communication. You can often find Tricia walking the neighborhood or enjoying engaging conversations at Cameron Cafe. Born in New Orleans, she proudly supports LSU (Geaux Tigers!) and cheers for Real Madrid (Hala Madrid!).

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